Time-resolved operando spectroscopy for photo(electro) catalysis > 리서치상단이미지변경


    Time-resolved operando spectroscopy for photo(electro) catalysis


    Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

    TAS is a powerful tool to measure the photogenerated excited state absorption and associated lifetime of transient species

    Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy

    Investigation of intermediates and their adsorption during photo-electrochemical reaction

    Specific Skill
    Time-resolved SEIRAS
    Surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy

    SEIRAS is a powerful experimental technology 
    to see the molecular bonding on the catalyst surface 
    while applied voltage (or light) causes a chemical reaction

Wooyul Kim, Professor, Ph.d. 21, KENTECH-gil, Naju-si, Jeonnam 58330, Republic of Korea
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