Operando Analysis for Battery > Research


    Operando Analysis for Battery


    Operando Analysis for Battery 

    1. Understanding Mechanisms

    Time-resolved approaches enable scientists to examine and comprehend the electrochemical dynamics inside the battery as it undergoes charge and discharge cycles. This involves the creation of solid electrolyte interstitials (SEI), lithium plating, electrode deterioration, and other processes that significantly affect battery performance and longevity.

    2. Material Property

    Batteries consist of intricate materials that exhibit varying properties based on operational circumstances. In situ analysis aids in examining materials during electrochemical reactions to understand their structural changes, interactions with the electrolyte, and impact on battery performance.

    3. Real-time monitoring

    Opreando analysis enables the immediate observation of physical and chemical alterations. These modifications may involve variations in electrode volume, electrolyte conductivity, and the creation or breakdown of chemicals. Real-time data is essential for comprehending battery behavior dynamics and detecting the beginning of breakdown mechanisms.

Wooyul Kim, Professor, Ph.d. 21, KENTECH-gil, Naju-si, Jeonnam 58330, Republic of Korea
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