Nitrogen Cycle > Research


    Nitrogen Cycle

    Ammonia Oxidation Reaction (AOR) and 

    Nitrogen Reduction Reaction (NRR) 

    Exploration of the Nitrogen Cycle:

    In this section, we delve into the intricate dynamics of the Nitrogen Cycle, a paramount aspect of Earth's ecosystem. The cycle orchestrates the intricate movement and conversion of nitrogen among the atmosphere, soil, plants, animals, and microorganisms, playing a pivotal role in the synthesis of proteins and other essential compounds within living organisms.

    Basis for Investigating Nitrogen Reactions:

    This segment delves into the significance of our research, emphasizing the potential impact on agricultural productivity, ecosystem stability, and addressing environmental concerns linked to escalating atmospheric nitrogen levels. Our focus on key reactions, such as Ammonia Oxidation Reaction (AOR) and Nitrogen Reduction Reaction (NRR), aims to unravel the chemical intricacies that occur during crucial stages of nitrogen transformation.

    Operando Technology: Revolutionizing Observation in Nitrogen Research:

    In this part, we explore the application of Operando technology, which serves as a revolutionary tool for real-time observation of chemical changes within catalysts or reaction vessels. Specifically, within the context of nitrogen cycle-related reactions like AOR and NRR, this technology provides an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms governing these reactions. Moreover, it aids in the development of efficient and sustainable nitrogen conversion technologies.

Wooyul Kim, Professor, Ph.d. 21, KENTECH-gil, Naju-si, Jeonnam 58330, Republic of Korea
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